Scaling your teams, applications, and infrastructure

Learn about the latest features we are bringing to our Server and Data Center offerings.

Scaling your enterprise can mean different things depending on who you ask. It can mean scaling your teams - taking what’s great about your high-performing teams and scaling that company-wide. Or it can mean scaling your infrastructure - making sure you can keep systems up, stay prepared for the future, and support the ever-increasing demands of your users. Whether scaling your enterprise refers to teams, infrastructure, applications or all of the above, one thing is for sure - you need the right products and guidance to support these efforts.

In this webinar, you'll hear all about

  • New Server and Data Center features
  • Investments we are making in our Server and Data Center products
  • Tips for scaling different ways of work, such as Agile, IT, or the productivity of your developers


Junie Dinda

Head of Enterprise Marketing

Junie leads the enterprise marketing team at Atlassian which consists of both our Atlassian Cloud and Atlassian Data Center offerings. Junie has worked at Atlassian for ~six years, and prior to that, has held product marketing leadership positions at other technology companies. When not thinking about messaging and products, Junie enjoys supporting Michigan Football and making wine.

Patrick Richardson

Group Product Manager, Data Center

アトラシアンの Data Center 製品の全体的なビジョンと戦略を推進し、大きな目標に取り組むための強力な製品チームとプロセスの構築に情熱を注いでいる。

アトラシアンに入社する前は、12 年以上にわたりさまざまな上級製品管理職を歴任。余暇には、アメリカ式のスロー スモーク バーベキューをしたり、アラバマ フットボールを観戦したりするのが好き。さらに、テコンドーの黒帯、ブラジリアン柔術の青帯を持ち、機会さえあれば旅行して、新しい文化を探求している。