Advantages of microservices and disadvantages to know
Microservices architecture is an approach to system design that breaks complex systems into more minor, more manageable services. Using microservices frameworks results in more scalable, flexible, and easier-to-maintain systems.
Applications built using this architecture consist of small, independently deployable services that communicate with each other through APIs. By breaking down complex systems into more minor services, microservices architecture provides improved scalability, flexibility, and maintenance simplicity.
Advantages of microservices architecture
- Accelerate scalability
- Improve fault isolation
- Enhance team productivity
- Quicker deployment time
Increase cost-efficiency
This guide explains the advantages and disadvantages of microservices and how to manage and streamline microservices to simplify scalable app development. Microservices architecture is vital for DevOps because it promotes faster development cycles, reduces risk, and improves scalability and resilience.
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Wat zijn microservices?
Unlike monolithic applications, microservices architecture helps teams implement new features and make changes quickly — without having to rewrite large portions of existing code.
Microservices architecture splits an application into a series of independently deployable services. Multiple microservices combine to create an application, each providing a piece of functionality for a domain.
Microservices loosely interact with each other using APIs, such as REST or gRPC. Teams can deploy and scale each service separately, enabling the rapid and frequent delivery of large, complex applications.
How do microservices work?
Microservices architecture differs significantly from monolithic frameworks. Each approach has its strengths. Which one is the right approach for you? Read microservices vs. monolith to find out more.
The microservices framework differs from the monolithic architecture because it does not function as a single unit. Instead, it operates as a collection of independently deployable applications. An API gateway facilitates the dependence of applications on microservices APIs, allowing the swapping of microservices for others without any disruption.
The following are characteristics of microservices:
- Each microservice runs autonomously with its business logic, database, and API.
- Microservices architecture provides flexibility for plug-and-play upgrades, simplifying the scaling of specific components within an application without impacting the entire system. Containers are the primary means of deploying microservices on cloud platforms such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure.
- DevOps tools like Kubernetes and Docker efficiently distribute processing power and other resources to microservices.
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Voordelen van microservices
Microservices deliver flexibility and agility through modular architecture, fostering faster development cycles and easier maintenance.
The following are five reasons companies are adopting microservices architecture:
1. Accelerate scalability
DevOps teams seamlessly introduce new components without causing any downtime, thanks to the independent operation of each service within the microservices architecture. They can choose each service's best language or technology without compatibility concerns.
Deploying services across multiple servers can mitigate the performance impact of individual components and help companies avoid vendor lock-in.
2. Improve fault isolation
Microservices architecture is compartmentalized — if one service encounters a fault or failure, it doesn’t propagate across the entire system.
3. Enhance team productivity
Microservices architecture allows small, focused teams to concentrate on a particular service’s development, deployment, and maintenance without being burdened by the complexities of the entire system.
Microservices architecture fosters a sense of ownership and expertise within teams, enabling specialized team members to make informed decisions, iterate quickly, and maintain a high quality of service within their domain.
4. Quicker deployment time
In monolithic architectures, changing necessitates redeploying the entire application. Microservices architecture enables faster releases because each service evolves and deploys independently, reducing the risk and time associated with coordinating changes across an entire application.
Decoupling services in this manner enhances agility. You can swiftly roll out updates or fixes with minimal disruption to the overall system.
5. Increase Cost-efficiency
Microservices architecture optimizes resource allocation and maintenance because teams work on small, well-defined services. Efforts are localized to specific services, reducing overall development and system maintenance costs. Teams focus on specific functionality, ensuring resources are used efficiently without redundancy or excess capacity.
Nadelen van microservices
- Increased complexity: Because microservices are distributed, managing service communication can be challenging. Developers may have to write extra code to ensure smooth communication between modules.
- Deployment and versioning challenges: Coordinating deployments and managing version control across multiple services can be complex, leading to compatibility issues.
- Testing complexity: Testing microservices involves complex scenarios, mainly when conducting integration testing across various services. Orchestrating this task can be challenging.
- Debugging difficulties: It can be demanding to debug an application that contains multiple microservices, each with its own set of logs. A single business process can run across multiple machines simultaneously, compounding complexity.
Data management challenges: Data consistency and transactions across multiple services can be complex. Microservices architecture calls for careful data management and coordination to support data integrity.
While many companies increasingly prefer microservices architecture, you can overcome operational hurdles and foster resilience within a microservices-based system by following DevOps best practices and embracing the procedures mentioned below.
How to manage microservice architecture
- Monitoring and logging: Implementing robust monitoring and logging systems is crucial. Monitoring simplifies tracking real-time service performance, finding bottlenecks, and detecting issues. Comprehensive logs help developers debug and trace transactions across services, supporting system health and reliability.
- Effective communication among services: Setting up efficient communication channels among microservices is essential. Well-defined APIs ensure smooth service interaction, improving system cohesion and minimizing communication errors.
- DevOps practices: DevOps practices are pivotal for managing microservices. Continuous delivery streamlines the development, testing, and deployment processes. DevOps fosters agility and reliability by automating tasks, ensuring faster and more reliable releases while maintaining the microservices architecture’s stability and scalability.
Alle informatie centraliseren: gebruik Compass om microservices te bouwen en de complexiteit van gedistribueerde architectuur te beheren. Dit uitbreidbare ontwikkelaarsplatform brengt verspreide informatie, zoals engineeringoutput en teamsamenwerking, samen op één centrale, doorzoekbare locatie.
Compass gebruiken om microservices te stroomlijnen
De architectuur van microservices is veerkrachtig: als één aspect van de app een storing krijgt, blijft de rest van het systeem operationeel. Daarnaast biedt het schaalbaarheid, kostenefficiëntie, productiviteitsverbeteringen en versnelde implementatie.
De architectuur van microservices is echter complex. Compass maakt een einde aan de wildgroei van microservices met de Componentencatalogus. Het ondersteunt je bij het opzetten van best practices, beoordeelt de status van software aan de hand van Scorecards en levert gegevens en biedt inzichten in de hele DevOps-toolchain door gebruik te maken van ingebouwde extensies in het Atlassian Forge-platform.
Voordelen van microservices: veelgestelde vragen
Wat zijn enkele voorbeelden uit de praktijk van bedrijven die microservices gebruiken?
Toekomstgerichte, dynamische bedrijven zoals Amazon, Netflix en Uber hebben microservices geïmplementeerd. Ze kunnen hun apps naar behoefte schalen, services toevoegen en inspelen op de markt. Hun systemen zijn veerkrachtig. Dit bespaart veel kosten, want als systemen uitvallen, kunnen de kosten oplopen tot duizenden dollars voor elke minuut downtime.
Met welke factoren moet je rekening houden bij het kiezen van microservices voor je project?
- Complexiteit van het project: de microservices-architectuur is voordelig voor uitgebreide, complexe projecten omdat ze complexiteit kunnen opdelen in hanteerbare services. Simpele projecten rechtvaardigen de overhead van een microservices-architectuur mogelijk niet.
- Schaalbaarheidsvereisten: microservices zijn geschikt als een applicatie schaalbare en flexibele componenten vereist.
- Teamexpertise: microservices-architectuur vereist gespecialiseerde vaardigheden, dus het evalueren van de technische expertise binnen het ontwikkelingsteam is essentieel.
Organisatorische gereedheid: de implementatie van een microservices-architectuur vereist ontwikkelingsmethodologieën, communicatiestructuren en aanpassingen aan het operationele proces. Het is cruciaal om te onderzoeken of je organisatie voorbereid is op deze veranderingen.
Hoe maken microservices onderhoud en updates beter hanteerbaar?
- De microservices-architectuur maakt gerichte veranderingen in specifieke services mogelijk zonder onderbrekingen te veroorzaken in de applicatie. In tegenstelling tot monolithische architecturen, waarbij een enkele verandering ervoor kan zorgen dat het systeem opnieuw moet worden geïmplementeerd, is het in de modulaire structuur van microservices mogelijk om lokaal aanpassingen door te voeren.
- Elke service werkt onafhankelijk met duidelijk omschreven grenzen en functionaliteiten. Dankzij deze autonomie kunnen ontwikkelaars zich richten op de service die updates of onderhoud nodig heeft, waardoor de impact van veranderingen tot een minimum wordt beperkt.
Deze granulaire aanpak stroomlijnt het ontwikkelingsproces, aangezien veranderingen worden beperkt tot een specifieke service. Hierdoor wordt het risico dat gepaard gaat met updates ook verminderd. Door services van elkaar te ontkoppelen, zorgen microservices voor een hanteerbaar en efficiënt onderhoudsproces. Dit bevordert de flexibiliteit en maakt snelle updates mogelijk zonder afbreuk te doen aan de stabiliteit van de applicatie.
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