

旅程地图可帮助您将客户对您的产品或服务的体验以及他们在此过程中的感受进行可视化。滚动到步骤 6,查看我们产品团队的真实示例!




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推文:亲爱的 @atlassian,#jira 新版本中的“鼠标悬停”界面太糟糕了,我敢肯定设计人员都没有用过自己的产品没有什么比看到这样的东西更能伤害软件制造商的了:
Tweet: dear @atlassian, the






  • 了解客户在此背景下所经历的问题的专家,例如客户支持人员、开发人员或用户研究人员
  • 服务负责人或项目的全职负责人
  • 处于提供服务一线的个人
  • 处于产品制造一线的个人



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15 分钟


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计时器 模板

Confluence 模板

定义地图的范围(15 分钟)

Ideally, customer journey mapping focuses on the experience of a single persona in a single scenario with a single goal. Else, the journey map will be too generic, and you'll miss out on opportunities for new insights and questions. You may need to pause creating a customer journey map until you have defined your customer personas. Your personas should be informed by customer interviews, as well as data wherever possible.

Saying that, don't let perfect be the enemy of good! Sometimes a team just needs to get started, and you can agree to revisit with more rigor in a few months' time. Once scope is agreed on, check your invite list to make sure you've got people who know the details of what customers experience when using your product or service.

第 1 步

搭建舞台(5 分钟)

It's really important that your group understands the user persona and the goal driving their journey. Decide on or recap with your group the target persona and the scope of the journey being explored in your session. Make sure to pre-share required reading with the team at least a week ahead of your session to make sure everyone understands the persona, scope of the journey, and has a chance to delve deeper into research and data where needed. Even better- invite the team to run or attend the customer interviews to hear from customers first hand!

例如,“我们将重点关注 Alana 的角色。Alana 的角色是项目经理,她的目标是找到一种可扩展的方式让她的团队分享知识,这样他们就可以减少通过电子邮件解释事情的时间。我们将绘制出 Alana 为此目的评估 Confluence 的情况,从她单击 TRY(试用)按钮开始,到她决定购买或不购买。”

第 2 步

撰写客户背景故事(10 分钟)


These narratives should be inspired by actual customer interviews. But each team member will also bring a different perspective to the table that helps to broaden the lens.

看看本节标注中提供的示例。这个背景故事从痛点开始,也就是 Alana 一开始想要像 Confluence 这样的软件的原因。

  • 例如,“她的团队的知识处于孤岛状态”

然后基本上会有一份需求清单,即 Alana 在产品中寻找什么来解决最底层的痛点。这本质上是一份心理购物清单,供小组在绘制客户旅程时参考。

  • 例如,“提供结构”

然后是结果——Alana 想要通过使用产品实现的目标

  • 例如,“让我的团队专注于工作,而不是被不必要的电子邮件和闲聊分散注意力”


  • 例如,“提高团队效率”


  • 例如,“Alana 和她的团队需要花费大量时间向彼此和利益相关者解释他们的工作,这让他们感到沮丧。他们想要一种分享知识和整理知识的方法,以便团队外的人就可以轻松找到这些知识,这样他们就可以将更多精力集中在手头的任务上。”

以下是 Confluence 团队创建的背景故事。

第 3 步

Map what the customer thinks and feels (30-60 min)

With the target persona, back story, and destination in place, it's time to walk a mile in their shoes. Show participants how to get going by writing the first thing that the persona does on a sticky note. The whole group can then grab stickies and markers and continue plotting the journey one action at a time.

This can also include questions and decisions! If the journey branches based on the answers or choices, have one participant map out each path. Keep in mind that the purpose of this Play is to build empathy for, and a shared understanding of the customer for the team. In order to do this, we focus on mapping the current state of one discrete end to end journey, and looking for opportunities for improvement.

To do a more comprehensive discovery and inform strategy, you will need to go deeper on researching and designing these journey maps, which will need to split up over multiple sessions. Take a look at the variation below for tipes on how to design a completely new customer journey.



For each action on the customer journey, capture which channels are used for the interactions. Depending on your context, channels might include a website, phone, email, postal mail, face-to-face, and/or social media.

It might also help to visually split the mapping area in zones, such as "frontstage" (what the customer experiences) versus "backstage" (what systems and processes are active in the background).

Journey mapping can open up rich discussion, but try to avoid delving into the wrong sort of detail. The idea is to explore the journey and mine it for opportunities to improve the experience instead of coming up with solutions on the spot. It's important not only to keep the conversation on track, but also to create an artefact that can be easily referenced in the future. Use expands or footnotes in the Confluence template to capture any additional context while keeping the overview stable.


To get more granular on the 'backstage' processes required to provide the 'frontstage' customer value, consider using Confluence Whiteboard's Service Blueprint template as a next step to follow up on this Play.




第 4 步

Map the pain points (10-30 min)



第 5 步

绘制情绪线(15 分钟)


  • 波动情绪的领域——上下波动很常见,但这并不意味着角色不会感觉筋疲力尽。
  • 快速下降——这表明期望和挫折感差距很大。
  • 低谷——这表明有机会提升整体情绪。
  • Positive peaks – can you design an experience that lifts them even higher? Can you delight the persona and inspire them to recommend you?

Remember that pain points don't always cause immediate drops in customer sentiment. Sometimes some friction may even buold trust (consider requiring verification for example). A pain point early in the journey might also result in negative feelings later on, as experiences accumulate.


Having customers in the session to help validate and challenge the journey map means you'll be more confident what comes out of this session.

第 6 步

分析大局(15 分钟)


  • 最令人困惑/沮丧的方面是哪里?
  • 这段旅程哪方面没有达到预期?
  • 该用户类型是否出现了任何新的未满足的需求?
  • 流程中是否存在不必要的复杂或重复的区域?是否发送了很多实际上没用的电子邮件?


You can use quantitative data to validate the impact of the various opportunity areas identified. A particular step may well be a customer experience that falls short, but how many of your customers are actually effected by that step? Might you be better off as a team focused on another higher impact opportunity?


这是我们 Engaging First Impressions 团队创建的用户入职旅程地图。





Instead of mapping the current experience, map out an experience you haven't delivered yet. You can map one that simply improves on existing pain points, or design an absolutely visionary amazeballs awesome experience!

Just make sure to always base your ideas on real customer interviews and data. When designing a totally new customer journey, it can also be interesting to map competitor or peer customer journeys to find inspiration. Working on a personalised service? How do they do it in grocery? What about fashion? Finance?


After the mapping session, create a stakeholder summary. What pain points have the highest impact to customers' evaluation, adoption and usage of our products? What opportunities are there, and which teams should know about them? What is your action plan to resolve these pain points? Keep it at a summary level for a fast share out of key takeaways.

For a broader audience, or to allow stakeholders to go deeper, you could also create a write-up of your analysis and recommendations you came up with, notes captured, photos of the group and the artefacts created on a Confluence page. A great way of sharing this information is in a video walk through of the journey map. Loom is a great tool for this as viewers can comment on specific stages of the journey. This can be a great way to inspire change in your organization and provide a model for customer-centric design practices.


Now that you have interviewed your customers and created your customer journey map, circle back to your customers and validate! And yes: you might learn that your entire map is invalid and have to start again from scratch. (Better to find that out now, versus after you've delivered the journey!) Major initiatives typically make multiple journey maps to capture the needs of multiple personas, and often iterate on each map. Remember not to set and forget. Journeys are rapidly disrupted, and keeping your finger on the pulse of your customer's reality will enable your team to pivot (and get results!) faster when needed.






Thanks! Now get back to work.


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