Take a full tour: Trello Standard and Premium

Find out how Trello's Standard and Premium plans can help you manage work with your teams in just 20 minutes.

What to expect from this webinar

In this video tour, you'll get a chance to learn how you can make the most out Trello’s Standard and Premium plans to manage work with your teams. In just 20 minutes you will learn how to keep your projects and tasks moving as seamlessly as possible with essential features that power tighter collaboration and efficiency.

Trello Standard and Premium are for teams of any size. See why 2 million teams in 150+ countries trust Trello to empower their teams.



Jordan Mirchev

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Trello

Como profissional de marketing sênior na equipe do Trello na Atlassian, Jordan ajuda as equipes a gerenciar o trabalho da maneira mais produtiva e colaborativa possível. Quando Jordan não está no trabalho, ele coleciona discos de vinil, viaja pelo mundo e aproveita o tempo com suas duas filhas pequenas.