
Forge Terms

Effective starting: November 11, 2022

These Forge Terms apply if you use the Atlassian Platform to develop Forge Apps under the Atlassian Developer Terms (the "Terms"). The Terms apply to your use of the Forge Framework, subject to the below. Each party acknowledges and agrees that (i) these Forge Terms may be conducted through electronic means, and (ii) click-through acceptance constitutes a valid signature. 

By clicking on "I agree" (or a similar button) or by submitting Forge Apps to the Atlassian Platform, you agree that you are entering into the Forge Terms, the Forge Data Processing Addendum, and the Standard Contractual Clauses with Atlassian

Capitalized terms used but not defined in these Forge Terms have the meanings set out in the Terms.

1. Submission. To use Forge Apps with the Atlassian Platform, you must submit the Apps to Atlassian in accordance with the Developer Guidelines and our instructions. Without limiting your other obligations, you will not include any code licensed under any version of the GPL, Affero or other "copyleft" license in any Forge Apps.

2. Usage Limits. Forge Apps may be subject to usage limits (e.g., compute time) as designated by Atlassian in the Developer Guidelines at

3. Atlassian's Use of Forge Apps. In addition to its other rights, you grant Atlassian the right to access, host, use, copy, distribute, transmit, perform and display your Forge Apps as necessary to enable their operation with Atlassian Products and to address support, security and performance issues.

4. End User Data. Though Atlassian hosts Forge Apps on your behalf, you must comply with Section 9 (End User Data & Security) of the Terms for any End User Data you or your Forge Apps process. Atlassian may access such End User Data in connection with exercising its rights in Section 3 of these Forge Terms and otherwise in accordance with its Privacy Policy. You must not submit, process, or otherwise use any Sensitive Personal Information with the Atlassian Platform unless its processing is expressly supported as a feature in the Developer Guidelines. Atlassian's data processing related to the hosting of Forge Apps is governed by the terms of the Forge Data Processing Addendum ("DPA").

5. Removal of Forge Apps. You may remove, or request to have your Forge Apps removed from the Atlassian Platform, by following and complying with the requirements here. In addition to any other suspension or removal rights granted in the Terms, Atlassian may remove or suspend any Forge Apps from the Atlassian Platform (a) upon your written request, (b) that have been inactive for an extended period of time, or (c) if Atlassian determines, in its sole discretion, that you, or the use of your Forge Apps, have violated these Forge Terms, the Terms, or any Laws.


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