アトラシアン サービス レベル アグリーメント
発効日: 2020 年 10 月 5 日
1. サービス レベル コミットメント:アトラシアンは、該当するクラウド製品をお客様に提供することに同意したサブスクリプション期間中、下記の表に従ってお客様に月間アップタイム割合を提供するために商業的に合理的な努力 (以下「サービス レベル コミットメント」とする) をします。
The monthly uptime percentage indicated in the above tables is determined by subtracting from 100% the percentage of Downtime Minutes (as defined below) out of the total minutes in the relevant calendar month. This calculation is done independently for each Eligible Cloud Product. All calendar months are measured in the UTC time zone.
Example calculation
- Total minutes in a 30-day calendar month: 43,200
- Downtime Minutes in the same month: 60
- Percentage of Downtime Minutes: 0.138889%
- 100% minus 0.138889% results in a monthly uptime percentage of 99.86%
- Subject to the terms of this Service Level Agreement, in this example, the customer is eligible for Service Credits equivalent to 10% of the monthly fees attributable to the affected Eligible Cloud Product for the month in which the failure occurred.
1. サービス レベル コミットメント:アトラシアンは、該当するクラウド製品をお客様に提供することに同意したサブスクリプション期間中、下記の表に従ってお客様に月間アップタイム割合を提供するために商業的に合理的な努力 (以下「サービス レベル コミットメント」とする) をします。
- “Covered Experiences” are specified for each Eligible Cloud Product in Appendix A.
- “Downtime Minute” occurs when the Error Rate in a given minute is greater than 5%.
- “Error Rate” means, over a given 1-minute period, the percentage of Customer’s requests to Covered Experiences resulting in an error out of Customer’s total requests to those Covered Experiences. For example, subject to the terms of this Service Level Agreement, where Atlassian confirms for a given minute that
- all Covered Experiences were completely inoperable or unable to receive Customer’s requests, the Error Rate for that minute is 100%. It counts as a Downtime Minute for the affected Eligible Cloud Product.
- 10 of 100 requests by Customer to at least one Covered Experience were unsuccessful, the Error Rate for that minute is 10%. It counts as a Downtime Minute for the affected Eligible Cloud Product.
- 1 of 100 requests by Customer to at least one Covered Experiences were unsuccessful, the Error Rate for that minute is 1%. It does not count as a Downtime Minute for the affected Eligible Cloud Product.
- Customer attempted no requests to any of the Covered Experiences over a minute, the Error Rate for that minute is 0%. It does not count as a Downtime Minute for the affected Eligible Cloud Product.
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