
3월에 뮌헨에서 열리는 Atlassian Connect: Cloud Bound에 참여하세요! 여기서 무료 등록

How to approach your
cloud migration

Join our demo with live chat Q&A, or watch on-demand, to deep dive into how to successfully migrate to cloud, including best practices and free resources to use along the way.

If you know a cloud migration is in your future, you’re in the right place. While every migration will be different, there are key steps, strategies, and tools that every organization should understand to ensure a successful move to cloud. We’ll demo how to execute a cloud migration, and give recommendations on the best practices and tools to use along the way. And if you’re running into roadblocks, we’ll have plenty of time for Q&A with our migrations team.

By the end of this demo, you’ll learn

  • Key outcomes at the end of each migration phase
  • How to choose your migration strategy and method
  • How to build your migration runbook
  • How to use the cloud migration assistants to run your migration

온디맨드 세션을 시청하려면 여기에서 등록하세요. Atlassian 커뮤니티를 방문하여 데모 Q&A 요약 정보를 확인할 수도 있습니다.

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