Government Amendment
Effective starting: April 1, 2024
This Government Amendment (this “Amendment”) modifies the Atlassian Customer Agreement or a written agreement executed by Atlassian (each, the “Agreement”) and applies to United States federal, state, and local government Customers (“Government”) only to address statutory restrictions that apply to the Agreement.
The Government and Atlassian are together referred to as the “Parties.” Accordingly, the Agreement is hereby modified as set forth below as it pertains to use by the Government. Atlassian may update or modify this Amendment from time to time as set forth in the Agreement.
All capitalized terms used and not defined in this Amendment have the meanings given to them in the Agreement. Except as expressly set forth herein, all of the terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.
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登録して、当社の法的規約 (法的ポリシーを含む) および復処理者のリストに関する最新情報を受け取りましょう。