
How to run a page-led meeting

Page-led meetings are more effective and productive, helping participants communicate the meeting’s purpose, scope, expected outcomes, and key discussion points.

Whether the meeting has been convened to make a decision, discuss a topic, or share information, using the page-led meeting template helps facilitators and participants get the most out of their time together.

Learn our five-step process for integrating page-led collaboration into your next meeting, enhancing your sync time and maximizing productivity.

연필 아이콘
Prep Time
10-30 mins
시계 아이콘
진행 시간
연결된 사람들 아이콘
회고에서 협업하는 사람 모양

How to run a page-led meeting

Page-led meetings are more effective and productive, helping participants communicate the meeting’s purpose, scope, expected outcomes, and key discussion points.

Whether the meeting has been convened to make a decision, discuss a topic, or share information, using the page-led meeting template helps facilitators and participants get the most out of their time together.

Learn our five-step process for integrating page-led collaboration into your next meeting, enhancing your sync time and maximizing productivity.

회고에서 협업하는 사람 모양
연필 아이콘
Prep Time
10-30 mins
시계 아이콘
진행 시간
연결된 사람들 아이콘

How to run a page-led meeting

Page-led meetings are more effective and productive, helping participants communicate the meeting’s purpose, scope, expected outcomes, and key discussion points.

Whether the meeting has been convened to make a decision, discuss a topic, or share information, using the page-led meeting template helps facilitators and participants get the most out of their time together.

Learn our five-step process for integrating page-led collaboration into your next meeting, enhancing your sync time and maximizing productivity.

연필 아이콘
Prep Time
10-30 mins
스톱워치 아이콘
진행 시간
연결된 사람들 아이콘
회고에서 협업하는 사람 모양

What is a page-led meeting?

We define a page as a high-quality written document that lays out needed context, meeting goals, and key decisions.

Participants are asked to read the page at the start of the meeting and refer to it throughout. That way, everyone is on the same page – literally – ensuring a more effective meeting that:

  • Maximizes clarity
  • Shares information effectively
  • Facilitates the decision-making process
  • Moves work forward

Participants can also add their own comments to the page as they read it, which can help foster a clearer and more inclusive discussion. This adds a unique dynamic to page-led meetings that traditional meetings often lack.

How effective are page-led meetings?

Atlassian’s Team Anywhere Lab, a group of behavioral scientists, tested the effectiveness of the page-led meeting format with Atlassian teams. Here are some key findings:

  • Page-led meeting attendees were 29% more likely to feel energized after the meeting and 23% less likely to feel frustrated, compared to the control group.
  • 85% of page-led meetings accomplished their goal, vs. 69% of control meetings.
  • Page-led meeting attendees rated their meetings as a significantly better use of time.

When should you run a page-led meeting?

Page-led collaboration is most powerful when you require decision-making or consensus-building.

Here are some scenarios where a page-led meeting could help:

  • Progress on a project or situation has stalled and you need to get things unstuck.
  • You need a decision from your team or stakeholders.
  • You need input or feedback on something – an idea, a piece of work, a project scope from a client, or anything else.

5 benefits of page-led meetings

Not convinced yet? Let’s lay out the benefits. Page-led meetings can enhance:

  1. Clarity: Written communication helps sharpen thinking and keep the focus on only what matters. A well-written page will highlight gaps in shared understanding (and bridge those gaps). Finally, the page also helps with alignment during hybrid and virtual meetings.
  2. Inclusivity: Comments give everyone an equal opportunity to weigh in and ensure the loudest voice in the (virtual) room isn’t the only voice that is heard.
  3. Transparency: Decisions and rationale are clearly documented and accessible, so nobody has to guess about what they’re doing or why.
  4. Durability: Unlike verbal or slide-based meetings, page-led meetings preserve a written document of meeting interactions. They can be referenced at any time and used to inform future decisions.
  5. Efficiency: Context setting can be done quickly, which frees up valuable meeting time to solve problems and make decisions together.

회고의 실제 활용 모습

한 팀이 오프사이트 회고에서 작성한 스티커 메모입니다.

이 팀은 회고에서 나눈 대화를 요약하는 데 Confluence를 사용했습니다.

Zoom을 통해 Trello를 사용하여 기본 규칙을 정하고 생각을 추가하며 토론의 방향을 잡은 회고입니다.

필요한 것


화면 공유 기능이 있는 화상 회의

디지털 협업 도구(템플릿 참조)


회의 공간

화이트보드 또는 큰 종이


스티커 메모


추천 템플릿

Atlassian 템플릿
프로젝트 관리
4L 회고
스프린트 계획 회의

필요한 것

화면 공유 기능이 있는 화상 회의

디지털 협업 도구

선택적 템플릿

Atlassian 템플릿
Confluence 템플릿

The five-step process to craft and facilitate a page-led meeting

5초 요약
  • Create your page-led meeting template and share it in your meeting invite.
  • Start the meeting with a silent pre-read of the page.
  • Use your page to facilitate the meeting, document decisions, and share your outcomes.

1. Decide if a page-led meeting is the right call 5분

Page-led meetings are most powerful when you need to make a decision or come to a consensus on something. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Have you been pushing something forward that is stalling out?
  • Do you need teammates or stakeholders to make a decision?
  • Do you need people to react or provide feedback on your work?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, a page-led meeting is the way to go.

Once you know a page-led meeting is appropriate, create a page using your favorite collaboration tool. Confluence is perfect for this.

Tip: Know your audience

You don’t need to use this approach or template for every meeting. This approach is most powerful when applied to decision-making or consensus-building.

2. Build your page 30분

To maximize clarity, your page should always include the meeting purpose, scope, desired outcomes, and key discussion points – ideally, right at the top like this:

미팅 목적/범위

This helps your attendees understand what kind of conversation you want to have, the types o comments to make, and the types of questions to ask. For example:

  • Make a decision
  • Discuss problem/blocker
  • 정보 공유

미팅 결과

Be clear about the expected outcome of the meeting.

주요 논의 사항

Put the key discussion points up front so readers are aware of what is to be discussed.

Here’s an example with content included:

DEI 이니셔티브를 위한 다음 단계

미팅 목적/범위

Discuss problems/blocker

미팅 결과

Outline a plan to share staff-wide

주요 논의 사항

  • Recruit mentors for the Emerging Leaders program
  • Increasing diversity on the exec team
  • Recruiting process

Your page should be customized based on your audience and the goals of your meeting. For example, you may choose to add:

The problem statement: Write a memorable and direct opening sentence about the problem you are trying to solve. Tell your readers the most important information they should know.

Background: Explain why you’re holding this meeting and why the outcome matters! Help your reader find the most important part of your message with a clear heading, like “Why it matters”, or another clever heading that will catch their eye.

  • What has happened to date? Set the context for readers who are new to the project.
  • Briefly outline trends, historical data, your approach, and progress made to date.
  • Use bullet points to keep your page scannable.

Proposed solution: If you have a preferred solution in mind, share it! State clearly what you’re recommending and why.

  • Back it up with data.
  • Identify any assumptions and explain your thinking.
  • Be clear about where more learning is needed.

Next steps: What would you like to see happen after the meeting is over? This is especially useful if you know the meeting will not fully resolve the issue at hand.

An FAQ section can be a fantastic way to address common questions quickly and in advance.

DEI 이니셔티브를 위한 다음 단계

문제 설명

지난 한 달 동안 개인, 팀, 그룹과 함께 다양성을 더욱 높일 수 있는 방법에 대해 많은 대화를 나눴습니다.


중요한 이유: 모두가 강력한 DEI 기반을 갖추고 있다는 데 동의하며, 이를 활용하여 발전을 가속화하기를 원합니다.

제안된 솔루션

결론: 내년에는 세 가지 주요 목표에 집중할 것입니다.

  • 신흥 리더 프로그램 시작
  • 모든 직급, 특히 임원진의 다양성 향상
  • 채용 프로세스의 투명성을 더욱 강화.

다음 단계

작동 방식: People 팀은 이번 주에 각 목표에 대한 계획을 수립하고 이를 전 직원과 공유할 예정입니다. 아이디어 또는 제안 사항이 있으면 팀원 누구에게나 연락해 주시기 바랍니다.

Once your page is built, make sure to include it in the meeting invite to attendees.

3. Facilitate your page-led meeting 20분

Start by sharing your meeting purpose to inform (or remind) attendees why they’re there. Explain how they’re expected to participate and remember that a page-led meeting may be a new experience for them.

Next, run a silent pre-read of your page to give your audience a chance to understand your page's message and prepare to ideate or offer solutions to problems. Your audience will benefit from others' clear thinking and understand the full context of the meeting.

  • Aim for 5 minutes to pre-read or add time depending on how detailed your page is.
  • Allow your audience to comment and upvote things they'd like to discuss live.

Finally, dive into the discussion! Conduct your meeting with the page and the added comments as a guide.

4. Drive to a decision or next steps (and who’s responsible for them) 10분

To drive extreme clarity on whether your proposed solution is approved, include a check box for each approver on your page.




Notes and conditions






Aim to end your meeting with a clear outcome, solution, or next steps in place. If your goal is to arrive at a solution to a problem, you can help drive clarity by including a checkbox for each approver on your page.

When it’s time to wrap up the meeting, ask participants to check the box if they approve the decision. If they’re not ready to check the box, they can provide reasons, which can inform your next steps.

DEI 이니셔티브를 위한 다음 단계

문제 설명

지난 한 달 동안 개인, 팀, 그룹과 함께 다양성을 더욱 높일 수 있는 방법에 대해 많은 대화를 나눴습니다.


중요한 이유: 모두가 강력한 DEI 기반을 갖추고 있다는 데 동의하며, 이를 활용하여 발전을 가속화하기를 원합니다.

제안된 솔루션

결론: 내년에는 세 가지 주요 목표에 집중할 것입니다.

  • 신흥 리더 프로그램 시작
  • 모든 직급, 특히 임원진의 다양성 향상
  • 채용 프로세스의 투명성을 더욱 강화.

다음 단계

작동 방식: People 팀은 이번 주에 각 목표에 대한 계획을 수립하고 이를 전 직원과 공유할 예정입니다. 아이디어 또는 제안 사항이 있으면 팀원 누구에게나 연락해 주시기 바랍니다.




Notes and conditions

@Mia Snyder

I’m comfortable as long as the recruiting team is looped in.

@Will Allen


@Jie Song


5. Update your page to reflect the feedback 10분

After the meeting, your page can live on as an artifact, containing all the comments and decisions made about your project. It can act as a permanent, durable source of information that can be referred to at any time.

There are some things you can do to help it serve this purpose:

  • Document any decisions near the top of the page. Include both what was decided and why. This makes it easy to see at a glance what the meeting outcome was.
  • Preempt future questions. If questions came up for your attendees that weren’t answered in the page itself, fixing that could help answer those same questions for future readers.
  • Strengthen ideas. Some feedback may have provided ideas on how to improve or strengthen the recommendation on the page. It can make sense to add these directly to the page content.

On [date] we received approval to proceed with [recommendation]. This was chosen because [reasons].

Tip: Update your page

Page-led meetings result in higher-quality, more durable information. Unlike a meeting that’s facilitated verbally or with slides, after a page-led meeting, the artifact of the page lives on.

Because of this, it’s worth investing a little bit of time after the meeting to update the page to reflect what happened in the meeting.

후속 조치

Once you’ve updated the page, share it with the meeting attendees and any stakeholders who should be informed of the decision, but weren't present at the meeting.

군중의 일러스트레이션

질문이 더 있으신가요?

다른 Atlassian 팀 플레이북 사용자와 대화를 시작하고 지원을 받거나 피드백을 제공하세요.

군중의 일러스트레이션

질문이 더 있으신가요?

다른 Atlassian 팀 플레이북 사용자와 대화를 시작하고 지원을 받거나 피드백을 제공하세요.

다른 플레이 살펴보기

뉴스레터 등록 일러스트레이션
뉴스레터 등록 일러스트레이션

팀에서 팀으로

뉴스레터를 통해 최신 플레이, 유용한 정보와 팁에 관한 최신 소식을 받으세요.
