Compass 定价和许可
You can start a free 14-day trial of Compass from our Try page. We also offer a Free plan of Compass for up to 3 full users, unlimited Basic users, and Community Support. You can compare the Free and Standard plans on our pricing page. 已在使用 Cloud? 站点管理员可以导航到 Cloud 站点的“系统管理”部分,然后根据需要添加和/或删除应用。 |
At the end of your free trial, you will be required to enter in your billing details, and move to a paid monthly subscription. If you do not input your billing details, you will automatically be downgraded to the Compass Free plan. If you have more than 3 full users upon downgrade, your instance will be locked until you either decrease the number of full users to 3 or less, or upgrade to Standard. |
*Creators are billable, paid users in Compass who actively create and manage projects, ideas, fields, and views. Learn more about Compass pricing here. |
*创作者是 Compass 中可计费的付费用户,他们会积极地创建和管理项目、想法、字段和视图。单击此处了解有关 Compass 定价的更多信息。 |
No, Compass is a Cloud-only product. |
完整用户可在 Compass 中访问其站点计划中的所有功能,是需收费的付费用户。 Basic users need a free Atlassian account. They have access to a basic set of features listed for the basic user role, regardless of their site’s plan. 您可以在此处比较完全权限用户和基本用户。 |
Compass is not an app, nor does it require any subscriptions to other Jira products to use. Compass is a separate product that can be used on its own, or alongside other Jira products. |
Admins can add Compass to an existing site by:
In February 2023, we announced a phased roll out of a new billing experience. Compass uses the new billing experience for billing and subscription management. Your other Jira and Confluence sites might be on our legacy system. While not available today, once we’ve completed the transition to the new billing experience, consolidated billing of your Cloud products will be supported. |
您可以通过信用卡(MasterCard、Visa 或 American Express)支付订阅费用。目前仅支持按月订阅,但我们计划将来提供年度订阅。 目前,我们只接受以美元支付 Compass 的款项。我们计划将来接受其他货币。 |
The minimum term of service is one month. |
为确保按月订阅及时付款,我们目前只接受通过信用卡付款。主要账单联系人可以随时通过 更新存档的信用卡。 我们不久将支持其他付款方式。 |
Yes, Community and Academic discounts are available for Compass. |
Great! We can’t wait to answer them. You can learn more about Compass on the Compass webpage, in the Atlassian Community, or contact our team to speak with us directly. |