
Atlassian Marketplace 使用条款

欢迎使用 Atlassian Marketplace!Atlassian Marketplace 是一个包含云和可下载软件应用、插件和扩展(简称“Marketplace 应用”或“应用”)的在线市场,它旨在与 Atlassian 的软件和Cloud 产品(简称“Atlassian 产品”)开展互操作。

Use of the Atlassian Marketplace is governed by these Atlassian Marketplace Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”), which form a legally binding agreement between you (defined in Section 1.1) and Atlassian Pty Ltd, an Australian corporation (ABN 53 102 443 916) (“Atlassian” or “we”).

By placing an Order for an App, or accessing or using the Atlassian Marketplace, you indicate your assent to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, do not place an Order or use or access the Atlassian Marketplace.

1. Introduction

1.1. 您是谁?由于通过 Atlassian Marketplace 提供的所有应用都是配合 Atlassian 产品使用而设计的,因此在本使用条款中,“您”是指持有启用或使用该应用的许可或订阅的 Atlassian 客户(例如个人或实体)。该 Atlassian 客户全面负责让 Atlassian Marketplace 的使用者或代表其下订单的任何人遵守这些使用条款。Atlassian Marketplace 的使用者或代表 Atlassian 客户下订单的任何人都必须遵守这些使用条款。如果您正在浏览 Marketplace 或做出评论,这些使用条款也适用于您。

1.2. Types of Apps. Some Marketplace Apps are made available at no charge, and others require payment of fees. The listing for each App will identify the provider of the App (“Vendor”), which may be Atlassian or a third party. Apps for which Atlassian is the Vendor are “Atlassian Apps,” and Apps for which the Vendor is a third party are “Third Party Apps”. Most Vendors are third parties, who create, own and are responsible for their own Apps as further described in these Terms of Use. In all cases, you may only use Apps with the Atlassian Products with which they are designed to be used (as identified in the App’s listing).

1.3. 查找应用和下订单。我们希望在您的 Atlassian 体验中轻松找到出色的应用。因此,“Atlassian Marketplace”包括 以及我们提供或列出应用的任何其他网页、应用、界面、服务或产品内体验(例如我们的 Universal Plugin Manager)。同样,当我们提到“订单”时,它将涵盖所有订购、购买、安装、试用、下载或启用应用(包括续订和升级),无论是通过 Atlassian Marketplace、Atlassian 产品还是通过我们提供的其他流程或界面。所有订单均受这些使用条款的约束。

1.4. Marketplace Policies. Your Orders and use of the Atlassian Marketplace are also subject to Atlassian’s Marketplace FAQs and posted policies, as may be modified from time to time (“Marketplace Policies”), which are incorporated into these Terms of Use.

2. Your Orders

2.1. 订单详细信息。您的订单将确定供应商、您对应用的授权使用范围(例如平台或席位数)以及许可证或订阅期限(如适用)。完成订单后,Atlassian 将为您提供对适用应用的访问权限,包括 Marketplace 政策中所述的任何相关许可证或访问密钥。

2.2. Paid Apps. To receive access to paid Apps, you must pay Atlassian the fees, including all taxes, indicated at the time of your Order. Terms for renewals, including pricing, will be described within the App’s listing on the Atlassian Marketplace (or if different, your Order). You can disable renewals by visiting (but you will not receive any refunds except as described in Section 2.3). For any Third Party App, you acknowledge and agree that Atlassian is the Vendor’s commercial agent and that you are required to make any related payments directly to Atlassian (and your sales contract with Atlassian includes these Terms of Use and the applicable Order). However, after you complete your Order, your usage of any Third Party Apps will be governed by the applicable Vendor Terms, as described in Section 3.

注意:第 2.2 节不适用于通过供应商付费的应用(请参见下文的第 2.5 节)。

2.3. 退货政策。Atlassian 应用的退货和退款受 Atlassian 条款的约束,如第 3.1 (b) 节所定义。对于第三方应用,自下订单之日起,您有三十 (30) 天的时间取消订单并退回应用。如果您在 30 天内取消了第三方应用的订单,Atlassian 将退还您为适用的第三方应用支付的金额,而您必须停止使用该应用并删除您拥有的该应用的所有副本。除非满足第 2.3 节的明确规定,否则所有订单均不可取消且不可退款。

注意:第 2.3 节不适用于通过供应商付费的应用(请参见下文的第 2.5 节)。

2.4. 试用期。 对于某些应用,Atlassian Marketplace 可能会提供免费试用期。试用期到期后,如果您没有订购该应用,该应用将停止运行,您必须停止使用并删除该应用的副本以及任何相关的许可证或访问密钥。

2.5. Paid-via-Vendor Apps. While most Apps are provisioned by Atlassian as described in Section 2.1, some Third Party Apps may be enabled or paid for through a third party Vendor’s own website (“Paid-via-Vendor Apps”). Paid-via-Vendor Apps will be identified in their listings or when you enable or pay for the App. Section 2.2 (Paid Apps) and Section 2.3 (Return Policy) do not apply to Paid-via-Vendor Apps and returns, if any, would be governed by the applicable Vendor Terms.

3. 使用 Marketplace 应用。

3.1. 供应商条款。在不限制本使用条款中的免责声明、限制或其他规定的情况下,应用的使用受到许可证或订阅条款、隐私政策和供应商指定的其他适用条款(简称“供应商条款”)的约束,包括其中描述的所有使用限制。供应商条款通常包含在应用的列表页面上或通过订单流程显示。如果您不同意相关的供应商条款,则不得使用应用。

(a) 第三方应用。第三方应用受第三方供应商条款的约束,与 Atlassian 条款无关。订购、安装或启用任何第三方应用即表示您直接与适用的第三方供应商签订供应商条款。Atlassian 不充当任何第三方供应商条款的一方,也不负责遵守任何第三方供应商条款,也不保证任何第三方供应商条款足以满足您自己的需求。有关第三方供应商如何使用您的数据的更多信息,请参阅第 4 节(数据收集和共享)。

(b) Atlassian Apps. If Atlassian is the Vendor of the App, the Vendor Terms are the Atlassian terms that govern the Atlassian Product with which the App is enabled or used (listed here) and as may be modified from time to time (the “Atlassian Terms”). The Atlassian Terms include the Atlassian Privacy Policy. In event of a conflict between these Terms of Use and the Atlassian Terms, the Atlassian Terms will control as to each party’s rights and responsibilities related to the App itself, while these Terms of Use will control as to the Atlassian Marketplace generally.

3.2. 支持和维护。对第三方应用的任何支持和维护将由适用的供应商提供,且仅在适用的供应商条款中所述的范围内提供。Atlassian 对第三方应用的任何支持和维护概不负责,即使供应商未能提供任何支持或维护,您也无权获得任何退款。如果 Atlassian 是供应商,则将根据 Atlassian 条款提供支持和维护。

3.3. 权利保留。除了这些使用条款和每个应用的供应商条款中明确授予您的权利外,Atlassian Marketplace 中的所有权利、所有权和权益(包括知识产权)均由 Atlassian 保留,并且应用中的所有权利、所有权和权益(包括知识产权)由其各自的供应商和许可方保留和保有。应用是基于许可证或订阅提供的,而不是出售,您不会获得 Atlassian Marketplace 或应用中的任何所有权。

4. 数据收集和共享。

4.1. 订单信息。如果您通过 Atlassian 订购 Marketplace 应用,Atlassian 将向供应商提供您在完成订单时提供的信息,例如您的姓名、公司名称(如有)、地址(包括电子邮件地址)和电话号码。

4.2. 第三方供应商对数据的使用。如 Atlassian 条款所述,如果您订购第三方应用,则表示您授权供应商访问或使用适用的 Atlassian 产品中的某些数据。这可能包括传送、传输、修改或删除此类数据,或将此类数据存储在供应商或第三方系统上。任何第三方供应商使用访问的数据(无论是 Atlassian 产品中的数据还是从您或您的设备单独收集的数据)均受适用的供应商条款的约束。对于第三方供应商或第三方应用对数据或信息的任何访问、使用、传输或保护,或对任何第三方供应商或此类供应商的第三方应用和第三方处理器的安全或隐私惯例,Atlassian 概不负责。对于您自己决定允许任何第三方供应商或第三方应用访问或使用您授予访问权限的数据,您需要全权负责。

4.3. Atlassian 对 Marketplace 数据的使用。Atlassian 根据您对 Atlassian Marketplace 的使用以及通过订单向您收集的任何数据,或代表您从第三方供应商处收集的任何数据(例如,与第 2.5 节(通过供应商付费应用)进行购买相关的订单详情)均受 Atlassian 隐私政策的约束。

4.4. Analytics and Usage Data. In addition, you authorize Atlassian to collect and use technical data and related information (including technical information relating to your device, system, and the App), in non-personally identifiable form, to facilitate the provision of software updates, product support, marketing efforts and other services to you related to the App. Atlassian may use this information, as long as it is in a form that does not personally identify individual users, to improve its products or to provide services or technology to you (including the Atlassian Marketplace and Atlassian Products).

5. Marketplace 应用的评论。

Atlassian Marketplace 允许用户发布关于 Marketplace 应用的评论(例如星级评级),并允许对您或其他用户的评论发表留言。

5.1. 显示的用户名称。评论和意见以提交内容的用户的名称和个人资料发布(如该用户的 Atlassian 帐户中所列)。不希望显示自己的姓名或其他个人资料信息(例如个人资料照片)的用户无法在 Atlassian Marketplace 上发表评论或留言。

5.2. 评论的规则。所有评论和留言都必须遵守 Atlassian 的可接受使用政策和以下条款。为了让您的评论和留言对他人有用:

  • 在对相关应用进行合理评估后,必须真诚地进行评论。

  • 用户对每个应用只能发布一条评论,除非后面的评论反映了基于进一步评估的诚信评级变化。任何修改过的评论都将被标记为“已编辑”。

  • 您(包括代表你行事的任何人)不得对您自己的应用、您所工作的公司拥有的应用或竞争对手的应用进行评论或发表留言。作为例外,您可以在应用列表的评论或留言部分中针对支持请求或其他针对您的疑问提供信息性回复。

  • 评论必须评估应用本身,而不是评估应用集成或运行的基础产品。

  • 禁止与相关应用无关的评论或留言,例如,讨论 Atlassian 的员工、业务或股票或其他公司的员工、业务或股票,或不相关的产品或服务。

5.3. Atlassian 的权利。Atlassian 保留随时出于任何原因自行决定删除或编辑 Atlassian Marketplace 上的任何评论或留言的权利。Atlassian 不会主张您在 Atlassian Marketplace 上发布的评论或留言的所有权。但是,您特此向 Atlassian 授予非排他性、全球性、不可撤销、永久性、可转让、可再许可(通过多个层级)、全额付款、免版税的许可,允许他们使用、分发、复制、修改、摘录、归属、改编、公开表演和公开展示该内容(全部或部分),并以现已知或后来发展的任何格式或媒介将其纳入其他作品中,并允许他人有此行为。

6. Your Responsibilities.

6.1. 陈述和保证。您(包括代表您行事的任何人)声明并保证您拥有所有必要的权利、权力和权限 (i) 订立本使用条款并受其法律约束,(ii) 创建任何订单,以及 (iii) 授权供应商访问和使用第 4 节所述的数据和信息,所有这些都不违反任何其他协议或政策。

6.2. Compliance with Law and Reservation of Rights. You must use the Atlassian Marketplace and Marketplace Apps in compliance with all applicable laws.

6.3. Use Restrictions. You may not use any scraping, crawling, data mining, or other bulk collection methods to extract data from Atlassian Marketplace.

6.4. Indemnification. You agree to indemnify, defend (at Atlassian’s request) and hold harmless Atlassian, its affiliates, and its and their officers, agents and employees from any claims by third parties, and any related damages, losses or costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising out of your violation of these Terms of Use or the applicable Vendor Terms, your violation of any rights of a third party, or any content you submit to or publish on the Atlassian Marketplace. You may not settle any such claim without Atlassian’s prior written consent.

7. 期限和终止。

7.1. 正当理由。如果您未能遵守本使用条款中的任何规定,您在本协议下的权利将自动终止。在此类终止的情况下,您必须停止对 Atlassian Marketplace 的所有使用,Atlassian 可能会立即撤销您对 Atlassian Marketplace 的访问权限,且恕不另行通知,也不会退还任何购买费用。

7.2. Marketplace 的终止。如果 Atlassian 自行决定停止使用 Atlassian Marketplace,Atlassian 可能会在不通知您的情况下终止这些使用条款。

7.3. 对应用的影响。如果这些使用条款终止,根据适用的供应商条款,您使用之前获得的任何应用的权利将继续有效。

7.4. 持续有效。以下几节在本使用条款的任何终止或到期后仍然有效:3.1 (b)(Atlassian 条款)(如果适用于继续使用 Atlassian 应用)、3.3(权利保留)、4(数据收集和共享)、5.3(Atlassian 权利)和第 6 条(您的责任)至第 10 条(总则)。

8. 重要免责声明和责任限制。

8.1. Third Party Apps. A significant portion of the Marketplace Apps in the Atlassian Marketplace are provided by parties other than Atlassian. Third party Vendors are solely responsible for their Apps and any related content or materials included in their Apps. Atlassian has no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any Third Party Apps, including their accuracy, reliability, availability, security, data handling, data processing, completeness, usefulness or quality, even if Atlassian is hosting such App. These disclaimers apply even if an App complies with Atlassian’s guidelines for Third Party Apps (located on Atlassian’s web properties such as, and even if Atlassian has reviewed, certified, or approved the Third Party App, if the Vendor participates in any one of Atlassian’s App programs such as those described here (“App Programs”). Any use of Third Party Apps is at your sole discretion and risk. Vendors are solely responsible for ensuring that any information they submit in connection with any App Program is accurate, complete and correct, and Atlassian is not responsible for the standards or business practices of any third party Vendor (whether support, availability, security or otherwise), even if the Vendor participates in an App Program. You should always independently verify that any Third Party Apps or Vendor business practices meet your needs. In addition, Atlassian is not responsible for any third party websites to which the Atlassian Marketplace links or their terms of use or privacy policies. You should use your discretion when visiting third party websites.

8.2. Removal of Apps. At any time, Atlassian may remove an App from the Atlassian Marketplace in accordance with its applicable policies, and Vendors may also update, modify or remove their own Apps at any time.

8.3. 互操作性。Atlassian 不保证任何应用都能与 Atlassian 产品正常配合使用,也不保证应用会随着时间的推移而继续与 Atlassian 产品配合使用。某些应用依赖供应商或第三方提供的托管服务或云服务,如果这些服务停止,这些应用可能无法正常运行或无法运行。

8.4. 担保免责声明。在法律允许的最大范围内,Atlassian“按原样”和“按现状”提供 Atlassian Marketplace 和所有第三方应用,Atlassian 特此声明不做任何明示、暗示或法定的担保,包括但不限于任何暗示的所有权、非侵权、与 Atlassian Marketplace 或本协议有关的特定目的的适销性或适用性的担保。您可能拥有其他法定权利,在此情况下,所有法定担保的期限都将限制在法律允许的最大范围内。

8.5. 责任限制。在法律允许的最大范围内,Atlassian 在任何情况下对与 Atlassian Marketplace 或任何第三方应用相关的任何直接、间接、后果性、特殊、示范性、惩罚性或其他责任概不负责,包括所有用途损失、数据丢失或数据不准确、安全机制故障、业务中断或延误费用。如果上述直接损害免责声明因任何原因在法律上无法强制执行,则 Atlassian 在本使用条款下对您承担的总责任不得超过以下两项中的较大值:(1) 您为第三方应用向 Atlassian 支付的与索赔相关的金额,或 (2) 五十美元(US$50)。

8.6. Atlassian 应用的免责声明和责任限制。第 8.4 节(担保免责声明)和第 8.5 节(责任限制)不会更改 Atlassian 条款中关于 Atlassian 应用的免责声明或责任限制,这些条款将继续完全适用。

8.7. 交易基础;未能实现基本目的。Atlassian 根据责任限制、免责声明以及本文中与风险分配有关的其他条款签订了这些使用条款,并且您同意这些条款是双方之间交易的重要基础。您同意,无论采取何种形式的行动,无论是合同、侵权行为(包括疏忽)、严格责任还是其他形式的行动,第 8 节中规定的豁免和限制均适用,即使发现本使用条款中规定的任何有限补救措施未能实现基本目的也是如此。

8.8. Atlassian Affiliates and Contractors. You acknowledge and agree that Atlassian’s affiliates, contractors and service providers may exercise all rights of Atlassian under these Terms of Use, and that all limitations of liability and disclaimers in these Terms of Use apply fully to and benefit Atlassian’s affiliates.

9. Dispute Resolution; Governing Law.

9.1. 非正式决议。如果因本使用条款引发或与之相关的任何争议或索赔,双方将相互协商和谈判,并在认识到彼此的共同利益的情况下,尽量达成双方都满意的解决方案。如果双方在六十 (60) 天内未达成和解,任何一方均可根据第 9.2 节(管辖法律;管辖权)寻求本使用条款下可能提供的救济。根据第 9.1 节,进行的所有谈判都将是保密的,出于适用法律和司法管辖区的所有类似规则和证据守则的目的,这些谈判都将被视为妥协和和解谈判。

9.2. 管辖法律;管辖权。这些使用条款将受美国加利福尼亚州的适用法律管辖并据此进行解释,但不影响该州有关法律冲突的原则。各方均不可撤销地同意,由本使用条款引起或与之相关的任何法律行动、诉讼或诉讼程序必须完全由位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山的州或联邦法院的州或联邦法院提起,并受其他适用程序规则的约束,而且每一方对其提起或对方针对其提起的任何法律行动、诉讼或诉讼程序普遍且无条件地服从于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山法院的唯一和专属的属人管辖权。

9.3. 禁令救济;执法。尽管有第 9.1 节(非正式解决方案)和第 9.2 节(管辖法律;管辖权)的规定,本使用条款中的任何内容都不会阻止 Atlassian 就侵犯知识产权、保密义务或执行或承认任何适当司法管辖区的任何裁决或命令的行为寻求禁令救济。

9.4. 不包括《联合国公约》和《美国统一计算机信息交易法》(简称 UCITA)。《联合国货物销售合同公约》的条款不适用于这些使用条款。无论何时何地通过,《统一计算机信息交易法》(简称 UCITA)都不适用于这些使用条款。

10. 总则。

10.1. 条款的变更。Atlassian 可自行决定通过在 Atlassian Marketplace 上发布修订后的条款来修改这些使用条款。您可能需要单击以同意修改后的使用条款才能继续使用 Marketplace,无论如何,在修改生效日期之后继续使用 Atlassian Marketplace(包括任何未来的订单)即表示您接受修改后的条款。为明确起见,您订购时的这些使用条款的版本将适用于该订单的用途。除本第 10.1 节另有规定外,本使用条款的所有更改或修订均需获得您和 Atlassian 的书面同意。

10.2. 举报侵犯版权和商标行为。如果您认为 Atlassian Marketplace 中的任何内容侵犯了您的版权,请按照举报版权和商标违规中所述的流程进行操作。

10.3. Contact Information. For communications concerning these Terms of Use (other than copyright and trademark concerns covered in Section 10.2), please write to Atlassian may send you notices through your Atlassian account or to your email address that is on file with Atlassian.

10.4. 完整协议。这些使用条款构成双方之间就其标的事项达成的完整协议,并取代双方之间就其标的事项达成的任何和所有先前或同期的协议。为明确起见,这并不限制供应商条款,而这些条款将根据上文第 3 节来执行。

10.5. 解释。如果对这些使用条款的任何一方具有管辖权的法院裁定这些使用条款的任何条款无效,则该条款将被视为重申,以尽可能反映双方根据适用法律以及本条款的其余部分的最初意图,并且这些使用条款的其余部分仍将保持全部效力。Atlassian 未能强制执行本使用条款的任何条款并不构成 Atlassian 放弃随后强制执行该条款的权利。在这些使用条款中,标题仅是为了方便起见,诸如“包括”之类的词语应不受限制地解释。

10.6. Assignment. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms of Use without Atlassian’s prior written consent. However, you may assign these Terms of Use in their entirety to your successor resulting from a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or substantially all of your assets or voting securities, provided that you provide Atlassian with prompt written notice of the assignment and the assignee agrees in writing to assume all of your obligations under this Agreement and complies with Atlassian’s procedural and documentation requirements to give effect to the assignment.

10.7. No Agency. Nothing in these Terms of Use or any Order is intended to, or shall be deemed to, make Atlassian your agent, or authorize Atlassian to make or enter into any commitments for you or on your behalf.

10.8. Export Laws and Regulations. You may not use or otherwise export or re-export the Marketplace Apps except as authorized by United States law and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the App was obtained. In particular, but without limitation, Apps may not be exported or re-exported (a) into any U.S. embargoed countries or (b) to anyone on the U.S Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals and Consolidated Sanctions list or the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Denied Persons, Entity, or Unverified Lists. By using any Marketplace App, you represent and warrant that you are not located in any such country or on any such list. You agree not to use or provide the Apps for any prohibited end use, including to support any nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons proliferation, or missile technology, without the prior permission of the United States government.

Last Revised: December 3, 2024