Advanced planning guide in Jira
什么是 Jira 中的高级规划?
Advanced planning is a set of capabilities offered within a feature called Plans.
Plans enables teams of teams to plan and track cross-functional work, such as a program or initiative. Within a plan, you can schedule work, allocate capacity, map dependencies, and model different scenarios, all within a single source of truth.
Plans pulls data from boards, projects, and filters in Jira to visualize work in a customizable interface. Functioning as a sandbox environment, you can plan and experiment before updating your original data in Jira.
This guide explains the key concepts of advanced planning including how to create your first plan and best practices for a seamless planning experience.
Advanced planning is available as part of Jira Premium and Jira Enterprise.
How do I create a plan?
The benefit of creating a plan is that it establishes the bigger picture and shows how a team’s work relates to the work of other teams. It visualizes how each team contributes to broad organizational goals.

The easiest way to get started with Plans is using our top-level planning template. The template comes with a plan, project, and issue hierarchy all pre-configured to help your teams manage large, cross-functional efforts, such as a program or initiative.

Optionally, you can also create a sample plan. This generates a plan using dummy data so you can quickly get an idea of what a fully baked plan looks like and explore its capabilities in a risk-free way.
Once you’ve built your own plans to support your teams' processes, scaling its structure is easy. Any plan can be duplicated in a few clicks. The copy will contain the same issues and settings of the original. This allows you to reuse an existing plan for multiple applications from supporting similar use cases to standardizing agile planning best practices across the organization.

Issue sources determine what data will be used in Jira to create a plan. They outline the work to be done and the problems you’re trying to solve. Issue sources are first selected during plan creation and can be adjusted at any time.

Plans supports three types of issue sources:
- Boards (scrum or kanban) — Issues related to teams that track the volume and progress of their work. Boards can be classified as either scrum or kanban. Scrum boards are for teams that plan their work in sprints or iterations while kanban boards are better suited for teams with a continuous flow of work.
- 项目 — 由特定目标或交付内容(例如产品或功能)定义的事务。
- Filters — Issues defined by a query in Jira, otherwise known as JQL (Jira Query Language).
To further configure your plan, learn more about plan settings.
Plans uses the same issue hierarchy as Jira, but can be customized and expanded to track larger goals above the epic level. For example, you can create an initiative hierarchy level to represent a program containing multiple projects or combined efforts spanning multiple teams. When positioned above the epic level, the initiative can be used as a container for epics.
- 长篇故事 — 大体量的工作,可以进一步分解为故事、任务和缺陷。在计划中,长篇故事代表着重要的里程碑或交付内容。长篇故事中包含的工作可以分配给多个团队。
- 故事、任务或缺陷 — 故事和任务是事务,代表需要完成的工作。缺陷是阻碍工作进度或功能的问题。可以将这些事务类型分配给特定团队。
- Subtask — A granular piece of work required to complete a story, task, or bug. In a plan, subtasks can’t have teams assigned specifically to them, they inherit the team assigned to the parent issue.

Associate teams with your plan’s issue sources so their work can be managed directly in the plan. Any Atlassian teams in your Teams directory can be brought into a plan. Teams allow you to group and filter work based on teams and manage the allocation of work based on capacity.

Scrum 团队与看板团队在衡量能力的方式上有所不同。虽然这两种类型的团队都可以按时间(天或小时)来衡量能力,但 Scrum 团队还可以使用故事点(对所需工作量的相对估计)来衡量。这是因为 Scrum 团队在时间固定的迭代(冲刺)中工作,而看板团队则通过持续的工作流不断推进。
Capacity planning is available to both scrum and kanban teams. However, sprint planning is exclusive to teams that use scrum boards as an issue source. The sprint planning feature allows you to allocate work to each sprint, project release dates, or milestones based on teams' capacities. It can also show you when sprints are overbooked (when allocated work exceeds the team’s capacity).

Dependencies show the relationship between issues in your plan, such as contingencies and blockers. Visualizing and understanding dependencies is vital when project or program managers determine a critical path in the plan. When dependencies are thoroughly mapped, a team can adapt and plan for alternative paths.


Any future releases tied to a project in your plan will automatically appear in the Releases tab in Plans. To exclude a release (and its issues) from the plan, you can add an exclusion rule upon plan creation.
Plans uses two different types of releases: single-project and cross-project. A single-project release is tied to one project, while a cross-project release aligns the dates of multiple projects. Both release types can be created and edited in the Releases tab, however, cross-project releases are only used in Plans and cannot be saved to your issues in Jira.

Since Plans functions as a sandbox environment for Jira data, you can enable scenarios to explore alternative paths to milestones or project completion. Planning different scenarios allows you to adjust dates, resources, and other inputs with minimal disruption. You can aim for your best case, plan for your worst case, and be prepared for anything in between.

The summary screen is a great place to get a quick snapshot of how your plan is coming along. In the summary, you can see issue progress, key dependencies, team progress, and team capacity for your plan, in the chosen date range.

For a specific snapshot of your plan, you can create a new view. This is particularly useful for large, cross-functional projects, where concerns and needs vary across different stakeholders. Filters and view settings allow you to emphasize different aspects of your plan, which can then be saved and easily accessed at any time. For example, you can create a view that only shows certain issue levels or a single team’s work.

计划是要共享的!传达进度更新,让所有利益相关者了解项目和团队如何朝目标迈进。任何计划的任何视图都可以作为直接链接共享,嵌入到 Confluence 页面中以获取实时视图,或者导出为 CSV 文件或 PNG 图像以获取静态视图。