
Using Confluence whiteboards for embedded diagramming

Confluence whiteboards are where ideas come to life in an organized and polished way while maintaining the freeform, creative spirit of collaborative brainstorms.

With whiteboards, you can post ideas then connect and arrange them visually to form timelines, workflows, strategy and product breakdowns, and more. You can also create diagrams using shapes to represent different ideas and elements, then connect them with lines and arrows to show how they relate.

Diagrams are valuable tools for organizing work, aligning teams, and presenting plans and concepts clearly and efficiently to internal and external stakeholders. When used in combination with detailed plans, diagrams often let you paint the connected picture of the work you’re doing supported by rich context.

In this guide, find out how to create diagrams in whiteboards you can share on Confluence pages.

When, why, and how to incorporate diagrams in pages

Having whiteboards and pages both as content types within Confluence makes using them together a seamless experience. No more using different tools or disconnected systems that force you to recreate diagrams from scratch or copy and paste them from one place to another, risking all your previous formatting work.

Embedding a whiteboard with a diagram into a Confluence page means you always have the precise visual exactly where you want it. Even better, any changes made to the original diagram in the whiteboard will automatically update wherever else it’s shared. You can even customize what part of a whiteboard diagram you embed by linking to a section or individual object.

Here are some instances when leveraging whiteboard diagrams in pages is particularly useful:

Diagramming flows

Whiteboard diagrams are great for building flowcharts. Flowcharts can visually represent a wide range of processes, workflows, and concepts. Diagramming these flows shows how they work and breaks down all the steps involved and how they’re connected.


Once you diagram different flows in whiteboards, you can add them to relevant pages, for example:

  • Product development timelines in product roadmap documents
  • User engagement journeys in product development and audience research documents
  • Company-wide, departmental, and team decision making processes

Building project plans

Project management plans can be elaborate and complex with many moving parts. Diagrams help conceptualize and organize them into manageable, easily digestible pieces. Some examples of diagrams you can integrate into project planning documents include:

  • 项目时间线,概述了关键项目里程碑和产出的顺序和指定时限
  • 项目范围图,分解所有单独的要素及其负责人



  • 营销漏斗图,将不同的营销活动和举措与漏斗的每个阶段联系起来
  • 客户角色图,概述了目标受众的人口统计数据、行为、需求和痛点
  • 营销活动时间线图,将不同的任务分解成时间表


知道如何链接白板并将其嵌入到 Confluence 页面中是成功将图表添加到协作工作流的关键。要将带有图表的整个 Confluence 白板嵌入到页面中,只需复制白板的 URL,然后根据您的需要将其作为链接粘贴到页面上的任意位置。Confluence 会自动将链接转换为白板的嵌入视图。

要将图表的特定部分嵌入到白板中,您需要复制版块或对象链接。从白板中,只需右键单击相应的版块、形状、线条或便笺,并选择“复制对象的链接”。然后,将该 URL 粘贴到白板嵌入的 Confluence 页面中,已经放大了您想要的版块或对象。














通过将 Confluence 白板图表集成到 Confluence 页面中,您不仅可以增强和阐明它们,还能为项目创建动态变化的事实来源。能够实时更新图表、共享特定版块,并在一个平台上管理多个版本,这些功能可确保随着项目的发展,团队能够持续地保持一致。

有了 Confluence,您的图表不仅仅是静态图像,它们还是战略工具包的动态组件。立即试用白板,开始在 Confluence 中将您的图表推向新的高度


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