
Project Proposal template

A clear and effective project proposal template aligns with strategic planning initiatives, enhances team collaboration, and streamlines project planning and management efforts. 

Create a project proposal in Confluence for free

What is a project proposal template?

A project proposal template provides consistent structure and clear guidelines for those submitting a project for consideration. Utilizing a template can help you and your colleagues capture, present, organize, and collaborate on project proposals more efficiently. 

An effective project proposal template benefits individual projects and streamlines project proposal, assessment, selection, management, and execution processes across your company.

Benefits of using a project proposal template

Consistent execution of efficient, effective processes helps drive agility and success. This is especially true for processes that support project ideation and proposal. A project proposal template can deliver multiple process-improving benefits to project management

Promotes consistency

A project proposal template ensures uniformity across all project proposals. Greater uniformity and consistency among proposed projects can improve the decision-making process and align with your team’s strategic planning framework.

Saves time

A well-designed project proposal template helps teams communicate their project ideas clearly and concisely. It also guides them through including essential information, such as objectives, scope, timeline, and budget. 

Enhances professionalism

An effective template can give each project proposal a more polished and professional appearance. This enhances the credibility of your proposals and boosts your reputation.

Facilitates collaboration

A project proposal template provides your project team and stakeholders with a common starting point for project collaboration. A shared understanding of each project’s structure and objectives can help team members collaborate more effectively. It also improves communication with stakeholders and helps manage their expectations.

Allows customization

A well-designed project proposal template combines consistent guidance and structure with support for customization. A tailored template makes it easier to address the unique needs of different projects while keeping a consistent proposal structure.

Use Confluence to create a project proposal

Confluence provides the features and tools to create and manage project proposals, helping you move projects forward. Teams can collaboratively create, edit, and share project plans in a connected workspace that gets and keeps everyone on the same page and aligned with business needs and goals. 

Confluence whiteboards bring the collaborative benefits of in-person brainstorming to connected digital environments. Confluence pages support multiple content types. Project team members can add, share, and comment upon content elements of almost any type. Teammates can organize and present information as they see fit. 

Use Confluence to create a template and share effective project proposals easily. Make a project proposal in Confluence for free to see how it can improve project management at your company.

How to use a project proposal template

Write an executive summary

Provide a clear, concise overview of the project for stakeholders. Highlight the objectives, scope, and benefits.

Explain the project background

Detail the reasons behind the project. Focus on the project’s relevance to your business goals. Mention any previous work or research that can provide context for the project.

Offer a solution

Present the proposed solution or approach that addresses the project's objectives and challenges. Emphasize the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed solution.

Define the deliverables

Outline the specific outcomes or products expected from the project. Include details of timelines and acceptance criteria. Clearly defining the deliverables is crucial to setting clear and reasonable expectations among project team members and other stakeholders.

Identify required resources

List all the resources needed to execute the project successfully. Include details about the people, budget, and materials the project requires. Doing so helps demonstrate thorough planning and careful resource management for each proposed project.

Conclude the proposal

Summarize the key points covered in the proposal. Reiterate the project's value proposition to your business. Explicitly and enthusiastically invite stakeholders to support and approve the proposal. Include any steps stakeholders must take to express their support and approval or ask questions about the project.