What is project planning? Project planning is the process of identifying, prioritizing, and assigning the cost, scope, and schedule needed to complete a project on time and within budget.
So you want to make some waffles. You’ve made waffles before and can almost wing it. (Not to downplay the effort it takes to whip up such deliciousness.) You know you need some kind of flour, eggs, sugar, milk, butter, and a griddle. But, who are you cooking for? Yourself? A party of four, including one who can’t have lactose and another who is gluten-intolerant?
朝食のような日常的なことでも (アプリの構築、オフィスの移動、販売プロセスの改善のような複雑なことを気にしないでください)、少しは事前計画を利用できます。何をすべきかだけでなく、どのように、いつ、なぜすべきかを整理するために、いったんテーブルから離れる必要があります。