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10 best tools for time management in 2024

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Time and task management tools can be your secret weapon to being more productive. Time management tools provide the essential features to streamline project planning, boost productivity, and achieve more in less time.

These tools provide a central hub for tasks, deadlines, and project scope details that unite everyone and every project element. They enhance collaboration by fostering communication and task delegation among team members and prevent burnout through effective capacity planning. These tools can help teams identify bottlenecks, track progress, and make data-driven decisions to optimize workflows.

This guide explores the top time management tools and how to choose the perfect solution to meet your team’s needs. It outlines essential criteria to consider when evaluating time management tools, such as usability, feature sets, integration capabilities, and robust customer support, to ensure you select a platform that drives your teams toward peak productivity and performance.

How to choose the right time management tool for you

Consider the following key criteria when evaluating time management tools:

  • Usability: Look for a tool with intuitive design, straightforward navigation, and a minimal learning curve. A smooth onboarding experience and readily available tutorials ensure teams can hit the ground running and maximize the tool's potential.
  • Features: Consider the functionalities that best suit existing workflows. Are robust task management capabilities with priority setting and deadline tracking important? Does the team need collaboration features, project timeline tracking, and time tracking? How important is reporting, and is it a requirement? Advanced features such as task scheduling, reporting, or project budgeting might be essential for some. Others may prioritize simplicity and ease of use. 
  • Integrations: Compatibility with existing workflows is crucial. Does the tool integrate seamlessly with calendars, communication apps, and cloud storage solutions? Streamlined integration eliminates the need for manual data entry across platforms and fosters a more efficient (and often more accurate) workflow.
  • Cost: Time management tools offer various pricing models. Free options with basic functionalities may suffice for individual needs, while teams may require premium subscriptions with advanced features. Evaluate needs versus cost to identify the most valuable, budget-compatible solution.
  • Customer support: Reliable customer support is essential for troubleshooting issues. Look for a tool that offers comprehensive support options, including knowledge bases, FAQs, email support, and even live chat functionalities for real-time assistance.

Here are some of the most popular time management tools, with key features, benefits, and potential drawbacks.


Jira is a powerful project management tool designed for Agile teams. It’s best for collaboration and Agile software development projects and enables teams to easily tackle complex projects. 

The benefits of Jira include streamlining communication and task assignments within a team, providing project visibility and transparency, enhancing team agility, and enabling iterative development. With Jira, teams can break projects into manageable tasks, organize and track project management phases, and integrate these into the overall progress. This helps keep teams on schedule and within budget. 

Here are some of Jira’s key features:

  • Issue creation, assignment, and prioritization aid in task management.
  • Kanban boards visualize workflow stages.
  • Collaboration tools enable team discussions and file sharing.
  • Reporting and analytics help track progress and identify bottlenecks.
  • Customizable workflows adapt to specific team needs.

Jira also has a few perceived drawbacks:

  • There can be a steeper learning curve compared to simpler tools.
  • The platform may be too feature-rich for individual time management needs.


Trello is a visual project management tool known for its intuitive interface and simplicity. Trello is easy to learn and use, even for non-technical users. The platform offers a clear overview of projects and tasks and fosters collaboration and communication. Trello is ideal for individual time management, collaborative brainstorming, project execution planning, and teams with visual learners.

Trello’s features include the following:

  • Trello offers boards to visualize tasks and workflow stages.
  • Drag-and-drop functionality promotes easy task coordination and prioritization.
  • Card comments, checklists, and file attachments enhance collaboration.
  • Power-Ups offer additional functionalities, such as project time tracking or calendar integration.

Trello has drawbacks as well:

  • Limited features compared to more comprehensive project management tools reduce its overall functionality.
  • Boards and their functions might not be sufficient for highly complex projects.


Todoist is a widely used task management app known for its clean interface and focus on individual productivity. It emphasizes prioritization and focus, which help individuals effectively manage their workload. 

The application features a simple, user-friendly interface for quick task capture and structuring. It also has a gamification function that boosts motivation and engagement. Todoist is best for individual time management, creating and managing to-do lists, and personal goal setting. 

Todoist has several useful features:

  • Robust task creation helps with due dates, priorities, and labels.
  • Recurring tasks aid in streamlining repetitive actions.
  • Project management functionalities optimize group-related tasks.
  • Integration with various calendars and productivity tools boosts productivity.
  • Karma points and productivity insights let you gamify task completion and progress tracking.

Todoist has a few drawbacks:

  • Limited collaboration features exist for team projects.
  • The platform might lack advanced functionalities for complex workflows.

Microsoft To Do

Microsoft To Do is a free task management app integrated with other Microsoft products. It’s relatively simple to use and offers a familiar interface for Microsoft users, making it easy to integrate with other Microsoft productivity tools. This tool is best for managing individual time, creating daily to-do lists, and for users already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Microsoft To Do has several key features:

  • Straightforward task creation simplifies creating due dates, flags, and priority levels.
  • My Day view helps users focus on the most important tasks for the day.
  • Integration with Microsoft Outlook tasks unifies to-do lists across platforms.
  • Smart Lists automatically categorize tasks based on urgency and due dates.
  • Cross-platform availability bolsters managing tasks on various devices.

Microsoft To Do has limitations as well:

  • Microsoft To Do has a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with Microsoft applications.
  • It may not be efficient for companies or individuals not associated with a larger enterprise. is a versatile work operating system (WorkOS) offering a customizable platform for project management and team collaboration. The platform can support projects of varying complexity and features flexible project management capabilities adaptable to diverse workflows, demonstrating its potential for a highly customized experience. fosters transparency, team information sharing, and automation capabilities to improve efficiency and is best suited for those with more complex workflows who can benefit from customization. offers several useful features:

  • Flexible building blocks make it easy to create boards and list views for task planning.
  • Customizable workflows adapt to specific team needs and project types.
  • Automated tools streamline repetitive tasks and notifications.
  • Time-tracking capabilities monitor project duration and team productivity.
  • Integration with various productivity and communication tools simplifies use.

It has a few drawbacks:

  • There is a learning curve for effectively setting up and customizing workflows.
  • Free plans offer limited features, and the premium plans can be expensive for smaller teams.


Asana is a popular project management tool known for its focus on clarity, communication, and team goal achievement. Its clear and easy-to-use interface for task assignments, progress tracking, and goal setting helps teams focus on the bigger picture. Asana is great for teams that collaborate on projects, streamline workflows, and want to improve internal communication and transparency. 

Asana has several key features:

  • List and board views enhance task management and visualization.
  • Goal setting and tracking functionalities align teams on objectives.
  • Features such as task comments, @mentions, and project discussions improve communication.
  • Built-in time tracking monitors individual and team workloads.
  • Integration with various productivity and communication tools fosters collaboration.

It also has some limitations:

  • The free plan has limited options and restricts features and team size.
  • Asana may not be ideal for highly complex project management needs compared to some WorkOS options.


Clockify is a freemium time-tracking app with additional project management features. The platform has a user-friendly interface and focuses on core time-tracking functionalities. These include individual time tracking, team time tracking for simple projects, and billable hours tracking for freelancers. The free plan offers valuable basic features for individual users and small teams and integrates well with existing project management workflows.

Clockify offers the following key features:

  • Simple and intuitive time tracking offers start/stop functionality and project selection.
  • Detailed timesheets analyze individual and team productivity.
  • Project management features such as task creation, assignment, and due dates (limited in the free plan) aid project management.
  • Reporting tools visualize time spent on projects and identify areas for improvement.
  • Integration with popular project management and communication tools streamlines daily workflows.

Clockify has a few drawbacks:

  • Limited project management functionalities exist within the free plan.
  • The feature set might not be suitable for complex project needs with extensive dependencies, especially since the focus is on time tracking.


Notion is a versatile workspace tool that offers a flexible canvas for note-taking, task management, and project collaboration. The app offers flexibility and customization, enabling admins to tailor the workspace to the team’s needs. 

The platform encourages knowledge sharing and team collaboration and integrates well with existing workflows and tools. Notion is best for individual knowledge management. It offers flexible project planning, focusing on customizability and team collaboration on creative projects.

Notion has several notable features:

  • Its freely customizable workspace boasts blocks for text, lists, tables, and various multimedia elements.
  • Powerful task management features include due dates, reminders, and priority levels.
  • The board view visualizes workflows and task progress.
  • Team collaboration functionalities allow for real-time editing, comments, and @mentions.
  • Popular productivity and communication tools integrate easily.

Notion has drawbacks as well:

  • Its open-ended nature can lead to information overload if not structured effectively.
  • The learning curve of mastering the various functionalities and building efficient workflows can seem steep.


ClickUp is a comprehensive project management platform offering many features for task management, collaboration, and team communication. ClickUp can consolidate multiple functionalities into a single platform, streamlining workflows. 

It provides robust time-tracking features for individual and team productivity insights. Flexible views and functionalities cater to diverse project management styles. ClickUp is ideal for collaboration on simple to complex projects and teams seeking a unified platform for task management, communication, and time tracking. 

ClickUp offers the following features:

  • Flexible list views, boards, and mind maps help organize tasks and projects visually.
  • Goal setting and tracking functionalities align teams on objectives.
  • Built-in time tracking includes start/stop timers, automatic tracking, and detailed reports.
  • Team collaboration features offer real-time editing, comments, chat, and document sharing.
  • Various productivity and communication tools integrate seamlessly.

ClickUp has some drawbacks:

  • The feature-rich interface might have a steeper learning curve compared to simpler tools.
  • The free plan restricts features and storage space, requiring upgrades for larger teams or complex projects.


RescueTime is a personal time management tool that passively tracks computer activity and generates reports to identify productivity patterns. The application provides valuable insights into daily computer usage patterns and helps users identify areas for improvement and reduce time spent on distractions. The platform offers focus tools to promote concentration and minimize context-switching.

RescueTime includes these key features:

  • Automatic time tracking in the background monitors website and application usage.
  • Detailed reports categorize time spent on productive, unproductive, and neutral activities.
  • Focus tools allow users to block distracting websites and applications during designated work periods.
  • Customizable settings define productive and unproductive categories based on individual needs.
  • Integration with some project management and communication tools is available.

Limitations of RescueTime include the following:

  • RescueTime has limited functionality beyond personal time tracking.
  • The platform relies on user honesty when categorizing websites and applications.
  • There may be privacy concerns regarding background activity tracking.

Improve your productivity with the best time management tool

The perfect time management app empowers teams to take control of their workday and achieve peak efficiency. Whether teams require robust collaboration features for complex projects or prioritize a customizable workspace for individual knowledge management, choose the time management tool that best aligns with the team’s requirements, budget, and intended integrations. 

The best choice for those seeking a powerful solution to streamline team workflows and empower Agile methodologies is Jira. Its intuitive interface, robust features, and focus on project visibility make Jira a valuable asset for maximizing team productivity. Explore Jira and discover how it can transform a company’s approach to time management and project success.

Time management tools: Frequently asked questions

How do time management tools improve productivity?

Time management tools boost productivity by providing structure for the workday, prioritizing tasks, and minimizing distractions. These tools help visualize workloads, set deadlines, and track progress. They keep teams focused on achieving goals and efficiently completing projects.

How do time management tools help with remote work?

Time management tools are crucial for remote work. They facilitate communication and collaboration across distances, aligning team members and keeping them on track. Team members can share tasks, documents, and updates in a centralized location, fostering transparency and accountability.

What are the benefits of using a time tracking tool?

Using a time tracking app and other time tracking tools offers valuable insights into how work hours are spent. They pinpoint areas of lost time due to distractions and help optimize workflows for better efficiency. In addition, time tracking tools help individuals and teams understand where bottlenecks may be happening and how to reduce time spent on certain tasks. Analyzing how time is spent can also factor into future budget allocations and project estimates, creating a leaner, more efficient process overall. 

How can I integrate time management tools with other software?

Many time management tools offer integration with other software, enabling seamless data flow between platforms. For example, connecting a time-tracking app to a project management tool makes it simple to log time spent on specific tasks within projects automatically. Leveraging integrations and automation eliminates the need for manual data entry and provides a more comprehensive view of the work process.

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