
Project Management Templates

From software releases to marketing campaigns, projects come in all shapes and sizes. This collection of project management templates is here to keep projects on track and everyone on the same page. We’ve got templates for every phase of your project: from initiation and planning to execution, monitoring, and closure. With these templates, managing your project is not only easier but also more effective, no matter what kind of team you’re on.

Project initiation templates

This stage is all about stepping back and looking at the project from a broader perspective. Rather than diving headfirst into timelines and action items, the focus here is on evaluating the project's value and potential. Below, you’ll find a set of templates to help guide you through the initiation phase and set your project up for success.

Шаблон ролей и обязанностей

Clearly define team roles and responsibilities to enhance collaboration.

Шаблон для общего планирования

Oversee high-level project planning and management with this template.

Шаблон OKR

Align teams and achieve goals with structured OKR templates.

Шаблон одностраничника годового плана

Summarize your annual plan on a concise one-pager for easy reference.

Шаблон «Матрица расстановки приоритетов»

Prioritize projects effectively with the prioritization matrix template.

Шаблон SMART-целей

Craft specific, measurable goals with the SMART Goals template.

Шаблон типа клиента

Create detailed personas to guide product development and marketing.

Шаблон «Таблица для голосования»

Make team decisions democratically with a structured voting table.

Шаблон карты команды

Introduce and showcase your team with a visually appealing poster.

Шаблон «На пути к результату»

Align team efforts with goals, signals, and measures for success.

Шаблон конкурентного анализа

Gain market insights with this comprehensive competitive analysis template.

Лучший шаблон бюджета

Create and manage project budgets effectively with this template.

Шаблон стратегического плана

Outline your strategic plan for your next project with this template.

Шаблон disrupt-подхода к мозговому штурму

Spark innovative ideas with a structured brainstorming process.

Шаблон вычленения проблемы

Frame problems clearly to guide team discussions and solutions.

Шаблон формирования идей для минимально жизнеспособного продукта (MVP)

Brainstorm and plan your next MVP with this template.

Шаблон «DACI: документирование решений»

Make informed decisions with structured decision-making templates.

Рабочие соглашения

Enhance team efficiency with structured working agreements.

Шаблон анализа сильных и слабых сторон, возможностей и угроз (SWOT)

Evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for a project.

Шаблон превращения видения в ценности

Align your team's work with company vision and core values.

Шаблон инсценировки

Plan for potential project risks and failures before they occur.

Шаблон карты проекта

Summarize key project details for stakeholders with this template.

Шаблон для проведения мозгового штурма

Streamline your brainstorming with this structured template.

Шаблон речи в лифте

Craft a concise and compelling elevator pitch.

Project execution templates

The project execution phase is where all the detailed planning comes to life as your team starts implementing the project plan. This is the hands-on stage, where strategies are executed, resources are managed, and tasks are driven forward. Explore templates to help your team execute effectively and navigate any bumps along the way.

Шаблон оценки работоспособности проектной команды

Monitor and improve a project team's health with this template.

Шаблон собрания по планированию спринта

Plan successful sprints with comprehensive sprint planning templates.

Шаблон доски Kanban

Manage projects and tasks effectively with the Kanban board template.

Шаблон для отслеживания заданий

Track and manage tasks effectively with Jira's task tracking templates.

Шаблон документации по основным проектам

Organize and manage project docs with master documentation templates.

Шаблон удаленного собрания команды

Facilitate productive remote team meetings with structured agendas.

Шаблон анализа дизайнерских решений

Conduct thorough design reviews with structured feedback templates.

Бесплатный шаблон рабочего процесса

Create and manage workflows efficiently to optimize project processes.

Шаблон доски проекта

Track projects, tasks, and dependencies with the project board template.

Шаблон протокола собрания

Capture meeting details quickly with the structured meeting notes template.

Шаблон дорожной карты проекта

Plan and track a project end to end with a clear project roadmap.

Шаблон хронологии проекта

Visualize project milestones and deadlines with a clear project timeline.

Шаблон управления процессами

Standardize and control processes effectively with this template.

Шаблон ежедневных стендапов

Streamline stand-ups with Confluence templates for structured updates.

Шаблон диаграммы Ганта

Visualize project schedules and dependencies with a Gantt chart.

Шаблон структуры распределения работ

Decompose projects into manageable tasks with a structured WBS.

Шаблоны для операционного отдела | Библиотека шаблонов Jira

Streamline operations management with tailored operations templates.

Шаблон индивидуальной встречи

Have productive one-on-one meetings with a 1-on-1 meeting template

Шаблон Scrum

Manage Agile projects effectively using the Scrum template.

Шаблон списка задач

Keep track of tasks with a simple and effective to-do list.

Шаблон расписания проекта

Keep your project on track with a detailed project schedule.

Шаблон отслеживания задач

Track issues and solutions throughout a project easily with this template.

Project monitoring templates

The project monitoring phase is all about keeping a close eye on your project as it progresses to ensure it stays on track. During this stage, teams continuously evaluate their performance to confirm deadlines are met, budgets are maintained, and goals remain aligned. Here, you’ll discover templates designed to help your team efficiently monitor your project's progress and keep everything running smoothly.

Шаблон обзора бизнеса для руководства

Summarize business performance in an executive business review template.

Шаблоны для документов и отчетов

Access a variety of templates focused on documentation and reporting.

Шаблон статуса проекта

Maintain transparency with detailed project status templates.

Шаблон отчета о состоянии дел на конец недели

Summarize weekly progress with end-of-week status report templates.

Шаблон процесса закрытия месяца

Streamline the month-end close process with a detailed template.

Шаблон связи с заинтересованными сторонами

Engage stakeholders effectively with clear communication templates.

Шаблон обновления состояния бизнеса

Provide regular business updates to keep everyone informed.

Лучший шаблон отчета по проекту

Simplify project reporting with comprehensive Jira templates.

Шаблон дебатов

Structured feedback sessions to improve work with a sparring template.

Лучший шаблон отслеживания проекта

Keep projects on track with Jira's project tracker templates.

Project closure templates

The project closure phase is the final step where the team ties up all loose ends after completing the project. While the project tasks may be done, this phase ensures the project ends on a high note and sets the foundation for future success. The following templates are crafted to help guide your team through the project closure phase.

Шаблон ретроспективы по методу четырех «Ч»

Reflect on projects with a 4Ls retrospective template.

5 Whys Analysis template

Identify core problems quickly with the 5 Whys analysis template.

Шаблон разбора инцидента

Analyze incidents and implement improvements with postmortem reviews.

Шаблон ретроспективы

Conduct productive retrospectives with structured Confluence templates.

Шаблон перезагрузки ритуалов

Reevaluate and adjust team rituals for better outcomes.

Project management templates for teams

These project management templates are tailored to meet the unique needs of specific teams. Whether you're launching a new marketing campaign, developing a product, managing IT infrastructure, driving sales initiatives, or optimizing HR processes, these project management templates provide a structured approach to help your team achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. Explore the templates below to find the best fit for your team's needs.

Project management templates for product & software teams

Software teams and product managers need robust tools to guide every stage of development, from initial ideation to post-launch analysis. Our collection of templates is designed to streamline product management and development processes, ensuring you can efficiently manage everything from customer impact assessments to complex software architecture reviews.

Шаблон оценки воздействия на клиентов

Evaluate the impact of decisions on customers with this assessment template.

Шаблон бережливого бизнес-сценария SAFe

Present a lean business case effectively with this structured template.

Шаблон плана по запуску продукта

Plan successful product launches with structured Confluence templates.

Templates for Product Managers

Access a suite of tools and templates tailored for product managers.

Шаблон анализа архитектуры ПО

Evaluate and improve software architecture with this structured template.

Подборка Confluence для запуска продукта

Access comprehensive templates for a successful product launch.

Шаблон схемы архитектуры AWS

Visualize and document AWS architecture with this diagram template.

Шаблон отчета по разговорам с клиентами

Capture insights from customer interviews with a detailed report.

Шаблон для планирования проектов DevOps

Manage DevOps workflows and tasks efficiently with this template.

Шаблон плана эксперимента и его результатов

Plan and document experiments with clear objectives and results.

Шаблон управления изменениями DevOps

Manage DevOps changes smoothly with this comprehensive template.

Шаблоны управления продуктами

Optimize product management with a suite of tailored templates.

Шаблон перечня задач DevOps

Standardize operations with a detailed DevOps runbook template.

Подборка шаблонов для разработки ПО

Explore templates for software development processes.

Шаблон «Карта пути клиента»

Visualize the customer experience with a customer journey map.

Шаблон дорожной карты продукта

Plan and communicate your product strategy with a product roadmap.

Шаблоны для разработки ПО | Библиотека шаблонов Jira

Tailored templates for software development teams and projects.

Project management templates for marketing teams

For marketing teams aiming to elevate their strategy and execution, our wide range of project management templates has everything you need. From crafting a go-to-market strategy to planning meaningful email campaigns, our customized templates are designed to help you streamline your creative processes, align cross-functional efforts, and drive results.

Шаблон контент-стратегии

Develop and execute a comprehensive content strategy with this template.

Шаблон дизайн-спринта

Conduct effective design sprints with a structured template.

Шаблон для отслеживания рекламной рассылки по электронной почте

Plan, execute, and track email campaigns with this template.

Шаблон дизайнерских решений

Document and communicate design decisions clearly with this template.

Шаблон рекламных материалов

Structure creative projects with a detailed and clear brief template.

Шаблон для выхода на рынок

Plan and execute your go-to-market strategy with a GTM template.

Design Templates

Enhance design projects with specialized templates for every phase.

Шаблон управления кампаниями

Plan and manage marketing campaigns with ease using this template.

Шаблон планирования семинара

Plan impactful workshops with this comprehensive template.

Шаблон маркетингового плана

Create effective marketing plans with structured Confluence templates.

Шаблон маркетинговой кампании

Design and execute impactful marketing campaigns with Confluence templates.

Design System Template

Standardize design processes with a comprehensive design system.

Маркетинговые шаблоны | Библиотека шаблонов Jira

Optimize marketing efforts with tailored marketing templates.

Лучший шаблон для управления проектами

Enhance project management with Jira’s templates.

Шаблон для создания официальных заявлений

Craft clear and consistent messages with a message house template.

Шаблон компонента дизайна

Organize and manage design components with this template.

Шаблон руководства для писателей

Establish consistent writing standards across content.

Подборка шаблонов для маркетинговых стратегий

Access a collection of marketing strategy templates.

Шаблоны для маркетинга и продаж

Explore templates for marketing and sales teams.

Шаблон записи в маркетинговом блоге

Plan, draft, and publish marketing blog posts with this template.

Шаблон серийной рекламной рассылки

Design and manage automated email drip campaigns effortlessly.

Шаблон виртуального мероприятия

Plan and execute successful virtual events.

Бесплатный шаблон для планирования мероприятий

Plan and manage events seamlessly with Jira's event planning templates.

Designs at Scale Template Collection

Explore scalable design templates.

Project management templates for IT teams

For IT teams focused on maintaining seamless operations and managing incidents effectively, our collection of templates is tailored to meet your needs. Whether you're reporting on major incidents, managing ITSM processes, or creating detailed runbooks, our specialized templates provide a structured approach to ensure that your team is always prepared for what comes next.

Шаблон еженедельного отчета о серьезных инцидентах ITSM

Track and review major IT incidents weekly to improve service management.

Шаблон плана информирования об инцидентах

Streamline incident communication with a clear and structured template.

Шаблон для анализа результатов реагирования на инцидент ITSM

Review IT service incidents to improve processes and prevent issues.

Шаблон управления изменениями в ITSM

Manage IT service changes efficiently with this comprehensive guide.

Knowledge Base Template Collection

Centralize and organize your team's knowledge with a robust base.

Новый шаблон ITSM

Manage IT services with a structured and comprehensive template.

Шаблон перечня процедур ISTM

Maintain IT service continuity with a comprehensive runbook.

Шаблон карты ИТ-проекта

Summarize IT project details in a concise, visual IT project poster.

Шаблон известных ошибок для ITSM

Document and track known IT service management errors.

Software Development & IT Templates

Access a range of templates for software developers.

Project management templates for HR teams

For HR teams dedicated to building strong, supportive, and efficient workplaces, our collection of project management templates is designed to streamline your processes and enhance team collaboration. From crafting clear job descriptions and offer letters to managing the hiring process and gathering interview feedback, these templates offer a comprehensive toolkit for every stage of the employee lifecycle.

Шаблон письма с предложением о работе

Streamline the hiring process with a structured job offer letter template.

Шаблон «База знаний отдела кадров»

Centralize HR knowledge for easy access and consistent communication.

Шаблон справочника для сотрудников

Create and maintain a comprehensive employee handbook effortlessly.

Шаблон процедуры приема на работу

Streamline your hiring process with a detailed step-by-step template.

Шаблоны для управления персоналом

Enhance HR processes with specialized templates for HR teams.

Шаблон обратной связи по результатам собеседования

Find the right candidate fast with the interview feedback template.

Шаблон описания вакансии

Create clear and comprehensive job descriptions to attract applicants.

Project management templates for sales teams

For sales teams aiming to close deals faster and foster strong customer relationships, our selection of templates is tailored to support every step of the sales process. Whether you're setting up a sales portal, planning accounts, or guiding customers through the quote-to-cash process, our project management templates for sales teams ensure you stay organized, informed, and ready to drive results.

Шаблон портала для продавцов

Centralize sales resources and strategies in one accessible portal.

Шаблон плана совместных действий

Plan and track mutual actions with collaborative templates in Confluence.

Шаблоны для отдела продаж | Библиотека шаблонов Jira

Boost sales team productivity with tailored sales templates.

Шаблон плана развития отношений с клиентами

Enhance sales strategies with a sales account planning template.

Шаблон приобретения по процессу QTC

Outline the QTC acquisition process and details with this template.